Those who took part in today's call were as follows:

Name Company Fax


*Dick Dowd LLC/ICC Work Shop

*Bob Bartenstien Ameritech 216-822-5039 847-248-3762

*Mitch Fuchs AT&T

*Rajeev Trika TCG

*Hamp Oberle MCI

*Anne Driscoll MCI

*Larry Lovett SPRINT

*Debbie Cathy ATT

*Nancy DeRoo 911


Single Point Of Contact Meeting Issues & Actions


Test Matrix-

ISSUE: Control phone numbers, second port numbers, etc., need to be

provided so that specific testing dates can be scheduled where

the test calls for coordination between participating company's.

ACTION: In order to test calling card as Ameritech and SPRINT have

indicated on their Testing Matrix, they will need to obtain

calling cards for use during the FCC Field Test.

STATUS: Closed. Bob Bartenstein/Ameritech 630-xxx-xxxx, porting

in from ATT 630-xxx-xxxx, 630-xxx-xxxx.

Andy Chalk/SPRINT two numbers porting in from TCG

and MCI 847-xxx-xxxx, TCG 847xxxxxxx

ISSUE: Nancy DeRoo is checking to insure that the Test Numbers are

listed properly in the 911 data base.

ACTION: SPOC's need to determine which addresses are associated

with which telephone number. This is needed ASAP.


STATUS: Ameritech complete. 815-726-xxxx will not be a control number.

ATT 630-541-xxxx - xxxx wrong addresses.

SPRINT their own 911.

MCI to send addresses and phone numbers today to Nancy DeRoo.

All numbers to be ported away are now provisioned.

TCG none of the numbers show up in the 911 database.

It appears as if the addresses are not correct.

TCG's action.

ACTION: Each SPOC to identify which phone numbers they will

be using for 911 testing and provide these to Nancy

DeRoo via Dick Dowd. Addresses need to be verified

for these 911 numbers as well.


STATUS: Assigned 7/31

Note * Dick Dowd will collect and combine any and all changes to the

Test Matrix and distribute a new Issue each Friday afternoon.

day before due date for call to coordination contact.

ISSUE: ATT now wants to test CLASS via Ameritech to MCI and others.

ACTION: ATT to start standard procedure for these kinds of arrangement's

with Ameritech.

RESPONSIBLE: Mitch Fuchs / Debbie Cathy

STATUS: Assigned 7/24 Initiated by ATT.

ISSUE: Control numbers for each participant need to be provisioned.

ACTION: Provision Control Numbers.


STATUS: Ameritech - Control numbers are working, some still need

to have voice mail message assigned.

ATT - Control numbers are working, still need to have voice

mail message assigned. Monday

MCI - Working.Reports that control numbers were ordered but that

they do not have capacity on their Bensenville Switch.

Hamp Oberle escalating within MCI and will update


SPRING - Four control numbers are in two will be up 8/1.

TCG - Will be up 8/1.

ISSUE: Will the LSRs initiated by participants be requesting coordination

on them?

Each participant indicated that they will check the coordination

block on the LSR.

ACTION: Each participant will need to identify the name and phone

number of their coordination person for coordination of



STATUS: Assigned 7/24 Ameritech will have at face-to-face.

MCI available at face-to-face.

ATT available at face-to-face.

SPRING available at face-to-face.

TCG available at face-to-face.

It was decided that for Chicago FCC Field Test those LSRs requiring

coordination will need a phone call the day prior to the due date

for coordination.

Dick Dowd

FCC Field Test Coordination Manager



972-918-1499 fax

972-498-5022 alternate fax

Vnet 757-5069

Pager 1-800-PAGEMCI Pin# 1742797

Email Richard Dowd / MCI ID: 258-4443
