Midwest Region LNP Operations Meeting Minutes


Next Operations Meeting:

July 1, 1999

9:00 to 11:00 am CDT

Meet-me-bridge 1-312-814-8097

Agenda for May 27:

OS/DA Issue Report Out

Handling of calls disconnected ported numbers- Aging Snap back or Immediate

Wireless 2 B, see attachment for additional information

NIIF LNP issues update

LNP Operations Team Update

Report out of consolidation efforts of Regional LNP Operations Teams/ LLC’s

18 hour timer issue

CLEC to CLEC LNP Guidelines Update or discussion as needed

New Business

Next Meeting

Next Document meeting discussion:

June 4, 1999

12:30 PM CDT

Meet-me-bridge 1-312-814-8097

The document will be finalized at this meeting.

Agenda for July meeting

18 hour timer issue

Aging- Snap back or immediate

New Entrant information NPAC-secure website

NPA Code splits/overlays- general discussion

NIIF Issues Update

Minutes are taken at a very high level.

Attendees 5-27

Robin Meier Ameritech

Kristen McMillan Nextlink

Sue Seitz Ameritech

Mart Nurmet MCI

Cynthia Hagan McLeod USA

Liz Coakley Ameritech

Ann Henderson AT&T

Stan Gajda Ameritech

Gene Johnston Lockheed Martin

Jim Grasser Ameritech Cellular

Frank Lange Ameritech

Daryl Dole Hyperion

Tom Chowaniec Ameritech

Mike Wagner Ameritech





This does not seem to be an issue anymore and has been resolved satisfactorily.

Aging snap back or immediate

General discussion took place on this issue. One immediate snapback advantage, Companies don’t have to monitor numbers, and makes numbers available immediately. (Which could also be a disadvantage)

General agreement to leave this on the agenda for the next meeting.

Wireless Type 2B

There don’t appear to be any issues in the Midwest Region surrounding this issue. It appears that the southeast region was the only region which appeared to have an issue.

18 hour timer issue discussion

This issue was deferred to the next meeting for discussion.

NIIF LNP Issues update

Issue 130- New Entrant- Active issue

There was discussion on the ability to identify new entrants in an area. It was mentioned that the NPAC PE would have that information and they would be a likely contact. It was also discussed that the NPAC secure website would be a possible location to post this information. Gene Johnston volunteered to check into this possibility.

It was also discussed to finalize the CLEC to CLEC LNP guidelines document and combine this document with the New Entrant document for a complete package. It was also determined that only minor modifications would be needed in the general information sections of both documents. A combined document would be presented to the NIIF at the June meeting.

Issue 134- LNP Maintenance Issue. This issue is active. Work is progressing combining all of the contributions and then work will begin to refine document for industry use.

Issue 145- LNP National Contact list. The issue was accepted as a new issue at the last NIIF meeting. Work will begin on this issue in the June meeting. At the last National LNP Operations team meeting the group started reviewing the headings. A sub committee meeting was held to determine the headings, which should be included on the document and a legend describing those headings was created. Robin Meier will forward the new information either this week or the beginning of next week. The next subcommittee contact list meeting will be held on June 2, 1:00 PM CDT


LNP National Operations meeting update.

It was noted that the aging issue needs to be added to the next agenda for discussion. The LNP contact list was discussed as mentioned earlier and updates to the NIIF LNP issues.

Other agenda items included:

The next national LNP operations meeting will be held on July 1, 1999, 2:00 to 4:00 EDT.

Regional LLC consolidation efforts report out

It appears that the regions have consolidated with the exceptions of the Midwest Region and the West Coast region. There was some discussion if the West Coast region was going to re-look at the issue, no one was sure.

Recommended Carrier-to-Carrier LNP Guidelines

Version 9 is out for final review and acceptance. The E9-1-1 section will be reviewed in its entirety at the next meeting, as new information was provided at the last meeting. It was also noted the section identifying 950 (Information type numbers), should be more generic. Everyone is requested to identify some regional numbers to use for examples. At the June 4th document meeting the participants will finalize the document. After that they will begin to look at modifying the general sections to combine this document with the New Entrant testing document. An additional meeting may be set up at that time to complete combination of the documents into one package.

New Business

It was discussed that we may want to add NPA Code splits/overlays on the next agenda for discussion purposes.


Robin Meier

Midwest Region LNP Operations Chair